How to make a bit of me time for me

It has been 11 days since I last wrote a blog post. I had to go back and check. That feels a bit like the start of a confession. Funny. Sort of. I’m working on not giving myself a hard time about making time for myself in the from of writing. Since last blogging, I’ve had a four-day, knock-out migraine. Plus, family in town, and a whole lot of catching up after being plastered to the couch. 

I just wonder though. Could I have somehow made time for my blog during that period despite everything? That is, made time for me? Probably. Maybe not during the four days I was down with a knife through my head (a.k.a., migraine). But the other days? I should — no, I need to carve out the time for me. I deserve that time just as much, if not more than the other things going on! 

Admittedly, with the change in season [fall to winter] I’ve been needing to stay in bed a bit longer in the mornings. Colder, darker mornings seem like good reasons to snuggle under the covers longer. However, what about my need to write, reflect, and unpack things? That’s really important, too. I think it may be time to set an alarm. Ooof. Not a fan. I bet there are some less nervous system-jolting alarms out there than what my smartphone has to offer. I need to look into that! 

Okay, so there it is. I’m going to start setting an alarm because I haven’t been naturally waking early enough lately with the change in season. This will provide the block of time I need for myself in the morning — other than just a simple meditation which I’m happy to say I’m largely still doing first thing in the mornings. 

Even as I’m writing this post, I got an alert on my phone from a fellow PTA leader at school and was so tempted to see what she has to say. But, I didn’t. The volunteer work I’ve been doing for my kids’ school since the beginning of the school year has definitely taken a lot of time away from my own work. I need to take a closer look at boundaries and remind myself that what I’m doing is important, too. The pressing deadline of the day in my volunteer arena does not get to undermine my time with me.

I am so grateful I took this time for myself to pause and reflect on the lack of me time; and to figure out a change I can make to set myself up better for success. I’m realizing I’m feeling a weight (or part of it anyway!) lifted from my shoulders just taking the time to address this. The power of self-reflection ceases to amaze me.

Cherish yourself: When you catch yourself in the spin cycle of life and realize it’s not including enough time for yourself: Pause, reflect, and come up with a small step you can take to help get back to cherishing you-time.

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