Keep calm in the most maddening situations

So this post isn’t really parenting-related, and can actually apply to anyone. Also, I’ll just say up front I don’t yet actually have a magic solution for keeping calm in maddening situations — but I’m making progress with it! (Sorry if I got your hopes up with the title. You still might find something helpful in here, so I invite you to keep reading!)

I just got off the phone and online chat with the “customer service” for a major appliance company who shall remain nameless. I put customer service in quotes for a reason. LOL. Two and a half hours later, I’ve only got a partial solution for my stuck freezer drawer. RAWR.

I was feeling so proud of myself because I actually took precautions. I have a tendency to get frustrated during stupid situations (you know, like trying to work with a customer service department). This is something I know about myself for better or for worse. Before starting the process, I meditated, refilled my water bottle, and set up my coloring. This way, I’d have something to do while I wait on hold listening to that amazing music. 

Did all of that help? Uhhhh… maybe a little?? The truth is, I was getting so worked up I could feel my chest getting tight. I could also feel my face growing hot. Admittedly, I was starting to get a bit rude with my words. Hey, I am human after all. *grinning & angel emojis*

After having arrived at a partial solution for my freezer drawer issue, I made the conscious decision to take a walk in the neighborhood with the hubs. This was instead of crawling into a ball on the couch. I’m embarrassed to say previously, that’s exactly where I would have headed once in that completely defeated state of mind. So, this is a huge step up for me. Goooo me!!   

The extra-cool thing: While out on the walk, my husband said he “reckons” (a total Southern gentleman) what I did to prepare myself for the call likely did help. He confessed he’s pretty sure he would not have handled it as well as I did. In general, he’s a lot more calm than me. So that’s something, right? Right! 

Cherish yourself: When headed into a situation you already know will punch your hot button, take what preventative measures you can, and then have a plan in place for after it’s over to help decompress. 

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